Knowing how to work with clients or talk to a friend regarding their limiting beliefs doesn’t make us exempt from struggling with our own.
I can’t. I don’t. I shouldn’t. I’m not. It’s too late. I don’t deserve.
Do you have a state of mind or belief about yourself that is restricting your career in some way?
Activation Activity: Move beyond your limiting beliefs using the supplementary Believe in Yourself workbook.
At one time or another I have told myself all the following:
"The work I’m doing isn’t making a difference."
"I’m not talented enough or smart enough to get a promotion.”
“There is nothing special about my ideas and/or my contributions.”
"It is egotistical to prioritize my professional self-care.”
Do any of my narratives sound familiar to you?
Unpacking Your Limiting Professional Beliefs
Your mindset about yourself has a powerful effect on your life, your work, and your career. This means it influences what you expect, it influences what you pay attention to, and it impacts how you respond to and engage with the world around you.
I will infer since you are reading this blog that you are seeking a flourishing life or are at minimum curious about alternative ways of living and working. I'm glad you are here and I encourage you to take some time today to tune-in to yourself and identify any and all of the voices you have adopted that are critical and limiting.
There is no shame in having limiting beliefs. We grow and excel through our ability to be truthful with ourselves. This process is about claiming your value and wholeness. Through identifying the critical voice that is holding us back we move forward toward our potential.
Reframing for Success
Reframing our limiting professional beliefs can help us achieve success, but it begins with asking
“What new belief(s) can I embrace to replace my limiting beliefs?”
With your new belief(s) you can practice reframing what you expect, what you pay attention to, and how you respond to and engage with your work and your career pathway. Over time you can improve your professional confidence and positively influence your overall well-being.
Community Encouragement and Support
Community is critical to overall well-being and that includes your professional wellness. To help support your reframing I recommend finding a safe space to talk about your limiting beliefs. A friend or trusted colleague can encourage your process, help you differentiate between fact and belief and help you advance your new beliefs. You may also choose to consult with a professional therapist to untangle your beliefs.
One more thing about community if I may. Please remember to look around and see if there are people in your life, your office that need your encouragement to advance the work they are doing to battle limiting beliefs and construct new beliefs. Build community and flourish together.
Affirm Your Potential
Affirmations are a great tool that can support your progress. The use of positive statements can challenge you to overcome self-sabotaging thoughts. Below I have listed a few of the affirmations I used to move beyond my limiting beliefs (mentioned previously).
I bring a lot to the table when it comes to my work product.
My team realizes my value.
The work I'm doing is valuable.
I am talented and smart.
Even if I don’t have all the knowledge and skills, I have a desire and willingness to learn.
I deserve to follow a professional passion that is my own and supports all of me.
I can. And, so can you!
Again, there is NO shame in having limiting beliefs. Tuning-in to self is an essential life long practice and it is fundamental to calibrating successful progress and well-being.
It’s NOT too late. You deserve more than you can even imagine.
Believe in Yourself!
Activation Activity: If you are looking to do additional work related to limiting beliefs I invite you to purchase the supplementary workbook.