The Art of the Check-in: Why you should be asking your colleagues how they are doing.
Updated: Jun 11, 2023
Do you ever feel isolated or alone in your work?
To better understand the emotional impact of belonging — and its inverse, feeling excluded — The Center for Talent Innovation launched the Belonging Barometerstudy, which surveyed 1,000 employed American adults.
The good news is that we CAN do something about the 40% of workers feeling physically and emotionally isolated in the workplace.
↘ The Art of the Check-In - In order to embrace the Art of the Check-in with your colleagues, here ⬇ are a few recommendations from the findings:
💫 Seize small opportunities to connect - Establish connections that communicate that you value, understand, and care about your colleagues. Be present, curious, and seize daily opportunities to connect authentically.
💫 Check bias at the door - Check-ins are a time to listen to another person’s perspectives, not to debate or persuade. If someone shares something that you don’t understand or agree with, you might consider acknowledging their point of view or asking them to tell you more.
💫 Assume positive intent - Start conversations believing that those talking or listening mean well, especially when it comes to difficult topics. Approach with gracious assumptions and don't be afraid to use the pause.
💫 Be vulnerable - Seek feedback and be willing to talk openly about challenges you’re facing to humanize your relationship with your peers and direct reports.
💫 Be consistent and accountable - Be transparent and model consistent, inclusive behavior, even under pressure or during difficult conversations. Expect, reinforce, and reward the accountability of others.
The opportunity to build work communities that validate, cultivate safety, fulfillment, and happiness is something I celebrate. I can't wait to hear about your experiences using these five tips.

Read the full article, The Surprising Power of Simply Asking Coworkers How They're Doing by Karyn Twaronite.
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